Barking Rock Farm

Trade Silver

9241 Eureka Road, Girard, PA 16417

Click HERE for a short explanation on how trade silver can be attached to your clothing.


Item # S111 - Small sunburst design brooch, approx. 1" in diameter. Price: $75

Item # S404 - Masonic emblem; about
1 1/2" in height. Price: $89

Item # S403 - Luckenbooth or crowned double weeping heart; a very old Scottish design. Approx. 1 1/4" in height. Price: $79

More Sterling Trade Silver

More Sterling Trade Silver Styles

Item # S209A - "Council Square" brooch, popular Iroquois design. Approx. 1.5" square. Price: $95


Item #S151 - Scalloped-edged brooch with elliptical piercings and large center opening; works very well on heavier fabric. Approx. 2 3/8" diameter. Price: $195



Item #S131 - (left) Scalloped-edge brooch with 7 elliptical piercings.
Undated old artifact copy, approx. 2" diameter. Price: $115.00

Item # S121 - (right) Heart/Guardian of the Night brooch, app. 1 1/8" x 1 1/2".   Price: $95.00



Item #S601L - Two-bar Cross of Lorraine, in polished and decorated finish, with soldered jump ring; approx 2 1/2" tall. Price: $120





Item #S101BB - 1 1/8" ring brooch with fancy border design (pictured at left) Price: $59

Item #S101BC - 1 1/8" ring brooch with fancy border design (pictured at right) Price: $59 .



Item #S310B - Nose ring with tall triangle and comfort fitting for non-pierced nose. Surface design may vary. Price: $59


Item #S311B - Nose ring with shorter, wide triangle and comfort fitting for non-pierced nose. Price: $59 


Item #S317 - Crescent nose ring with ball fittings (for non-pierced nose). Price: $85


Item #S315 - Ball & Cone nosering with ball fitting (for non-pierced nose). Price: $85.00



Item #S170A - "Council Fire" Brooch. Adaptation of the original Masonic symbol, called "Council Fire" by the Iroquois. Approx. 1 1/2" x 1 1/2". Price: $105 .



Item #S170B - (left) "Council Fire" Brooch - another pattern; similar in size to above. Price: $105.00



Item #S301 - Wire Ring Brooch. This is one of the original trade silver designs - a simple ring brooch, approx. 3/4" in diameter. These were worn by the dozens on breechclouts, dresses, head coverings, and bags. Price: $17


Item #S351 - Twisted Wire Ring Brooch. This is an interesting variation on the plain wire ring brooch! Approx. 3/4" in diameter.
Price: $20





Item #S207 - (far left) Scottish Luckenbooth love token(double weeping heart); popular early piece. Crowned hearts of all types date back in Europe to as early as the 14th century, and were likely some of the earliest pieces used in the fur trade. Price: $65.00

Item #S208C - (center) Crowned heart; another old piece also used as a love token. The pointed crown possibly derived from the French crown form. approx 1 1/2" x 1". Circa 1700-1760. Price: $65.00

Item #S320 - (above, right) Another very early crowned heart, with a rounded crown possibly derived from the English crown shape. Some native Americans interpreted this as an owl form. Circa 1700-1760. Price: $65.00



Click HERE for a short explanation on how trade silver can be attached to your clothing.


Item #S275 - (far left) Council Square; measures 1 1/8" across.
Price: $90.00

Item #S276 - (center) Yet another variation on the luckenbooth love token; popular trade item. Price: $80.00


Item #S277 - (right) Double crowned weeping heart variation on the luckenbooth. Price: $80.00



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©2024 Barking Rock Farm All Rights Reserved   This page updated 12/8/24.